The health benefits of sugar beet and the side effects of its consumption

Sugar beet root contains many nutritional values ​​that help in lowering blood pressure, fighting cancer and inflammation, boosting the immune system and removing toxins from the body.  It also supports brain and bone health, among others.  It is rich in carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and betaine.  In addition to flavonoids, anthocyanins.

 Beetroot is often used in preparing various salads, soups, or pickles, or as an ingredient in green drinks for those who depend on it in their diet.  But sugar beet contains the highest sugar content of all vegetables, so it should be eaten in moderation.  It is also used as a natural colorant.

 Sugar beet can be available year-round in many countries, but it is considered a seasonal (winter) vegetable.

 Health benefits of sugar beet:

 Although beetroot is high in sugar, it can be eaten a few times a week, to get its health benefits without the harm caused by the sugars.  The health benefits include:

 Lowering the level of blood pressure:

 Consuming sugar beet juice helps lower blood pressure within hours.

 Some studies have shown that consuming a glass of beetroot juice reduces systolic blood pressure by 4-5 degrees.  The benefit is due to its richness in nitrates, which are converted inside the body into nitric oxide, which helps to relax and dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, which leads to lowering pressure.

 Increase energy levels and endurance:

 If you feel tired and tired, or need a booster to get your work done, a glass of beetroot juice is an effective way to do that.  People who regularly drink a glass of beetroot juice before exercising, improve their performance by 16%.


 Beetroot is a unique source of betaine.  It is a nutrient that helps protect cells, proteins, and enzymes from surrounding stresses.  It also helps in fighting infections, protecting internal organs, preventing many chronic diseases, and improving body performance.

 Cancer prevention:

 The phytonutrients found in beetroot are what give beetroot its distinctive crimson color, which also helps fight cancer.

 Studies have shown that sugar beet reduces the formation of many types of cancerous tumors in animals.  Studies are still ongoing about its effects in treating cancer in humans, such as pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer.

 Rich in fiber and nutrients:

 Sugar beet is a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, and important minerals such as potassium (necessary for healthy nerves and muscle function), manganese (necessary for healthy bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas), copper, magnesium, and phosphorous.  Beetroot also contains a group of B vitamins and folate, which helps reduce the risk of fetal malformations during pregnancy.

 Detoxification of the body:

 The betalain substance present in beetroot supports the process of ridding the body of accumulated toxins.  It helps in breaking down toxic substances and excreting them from the body.  Which helps to purify the blood and liver.

 Increase sexual desire:

 Sugar beet contains a high percentage of the mineral boron, which has an effective role in promoting the production of sex hormones.  Which leads to increased sexual desire, increased fertility and enhanced sperm motility.

 Preventing heart diseases and enhancing blood circulation:

 Sugar beet has an effective role in lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides.  Which enhances heart health, and helps prevent stroke and blood clots, due to its richness in potassium.

 Combat respiratory problems:

 Sugar beet has an effective role in preventing asthma and other respiratory problems, due to its richness in vitamin C.  In addition, the beta-carotene in beetroot helps prevent cancer.

 Anemia treatment:

 Due to its richness in vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of red blood cells, thus treating anemia.

 Improving vision, eye health and preventing macular degeneration.

 Promote digestion and prevent constipation.

 Side effects of increased consumption of sugar beet:

 If eaten in moderation (3-4 times a week), it is considered very healthy.  But excessive consumption leads to other health problems:

 High blood sugar level, due to its richness in sugars. Kidney stones formation: Beetroot contains oxalate, which leads to the formation of urinary crystals, in case of increased consumption of sugar beet.  Therefore, kidney patients or those suffering from urinary stones should pay attention to the amount of beetroot ingested.

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