Health and therapeutic benefits of garlic


Health benefits of garlic:

 Garlic has anti-disease and anti-inflammatory properties:

 Garlic boosts the body's immunity and is an effective remedy for colds and flu.

 In a 12-week study that included eating garlic daily, the results showed a 63% reduction in the incidence of colds and influenza by 63% compared to people who did not eat garlic regularly.  The duration of cold symptoms also decreased by 70% from what it was before the regular consumption of garlic.  Where the duration of symptoms decreased from five days to a day and a half only for the group of individuals who did the experiment.

 Lowering high blood pressure:

 Among the fatal health problems spread all over the world, we mention cardiovascular diseases.  High blood pressure is one of these common health problems.

 The active substances present in garlic effectively reduce high blood pressure.  Eating four cloves of garlic daily is considered an effective dose equivalent to the effect of atenolol, the antihypertensive drug.  In lower doses, garlic balances blood pressure and keeps it within a normal level.

 Lowering bad cholesterol and promoting heart health:

 For patients who suffer from high levels of harmful cholesterol, it is recommended to eat garlic daily due to its effective role in reducing cholesterol by 10-15% and promoting heart health.

 Garlic also contains the compound Diallyl trisulfide, which is found in garlic oil and works to protect the heart and has proven effective in improving heart failure cases.

 Antioxidant and helps prevent Alzheimer's disease:

 The harmful free radicals that are present in the body, cause many health problems, including signs of aging, wrinkles, gray hair, and Alzheimer's disease.

 To eliminate free radicals, you must get an adequate amount of foods rich in antioxidants.  The biggest example of this is the garlic plant, which is very rich in antioxidants.  Considering that garlic is characterized by its effective role in promoting the health of the heart and blood vessels, delaying the appearance of signs of aging, and its richness in antioxidants, all these factors together play an effective role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

 Cleaning the body of toxins:

 The sulfur compounds in garlic protect the body's organs from damage caused by heavy metal deposits.  People who are exposed to a large amount of metal radiation, which damage and poison their bodies, when persevering in eating garlic for four consecutive weeks, the results have proven remarkably purifying the body of toxins.

 Strengthens bone structure and prevents osteoporosis in women:

 In a study conducted on a number of women in menopause (menopause), the results showed that eating 2 g of garlic daily improves their estrogen levels and thus shows effective results in strengthening bone structure, which usually diminishes after menopause due to a decrease in estrogen concentration.  .

 For the treatment of respiratory and digestive problems:

 Including treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, liver function disorders, colic, and repellent for intestinal worms.

 Prevention of various types of cancer:

 Including cancer of the colon, stomach, breast, prostate and lungs.  The sulfur compounds in garlic work to fight malignant tumors and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

 Garlic is also used to treat cases of enlarged prostate, and it is used topically to treat bacterial or fungal infections and to treat insect bites.

 It is recommended to use it to overcome fatigue and fatigue and improve the athletic performance of players.

 What dose is required to get the therapeutic effects of garlic?

 You should eat a clove of garlic daily with every meal (ie two or three cloves a day).

 The maximum benefit from garlic (the compound allicin) is obtained only when eating fresh garlic, whether mashed or minced without crushing.  However, if it is cooked as whole cloves, the required benefit from the lysine compound will not be obtained.

 The best effective way to get its benefits is to peel the garlic clove and divide it into two parts and leave it for a little while to get the maximum benefit from the lysine compounds, then eat it fresh without cooking.

 Negative effects of garlic:

 One of the most important effects that drive a large number of people to avoid eating it despite its many benefits, is the distinctive smell of garlic and the relief of body secretions after eating garlic.  This is due to the sulfur compounds found in garlic, which are the reason for the healing properties of garlic and are also the reason for its distinctive smell.  But to obtain the therapeutic benefits and avoid the smell of garlic, you can use garlic capsules that are sold in pharmacies, as the active substance is surrounded by a protective sheath that is absorbed from the intestine and not from the stomach, and thus its benefits are obtained without being affected by its strong smell.

 Among the undesirable effects of garlic, we also mention: In some cases, eating fresh (uncooked) garlic causes digestion problems, bloating, gas, and acidity in the stomach for some individuals.

 It is also characterized by its properties as a blood thinner, so in cases of taking blood thinners, care should be taken not to consume a large amount of garlic daily, especially when there are bleeding problems.

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